Unit 4 Day 4: Subtracting Integers Warm Up (Complete while attendance is taken)
- Due No due date
- Points 10
- Questions 5
- Time Limit None
- Allowed Attempts 2
Subtracting Integers: Recall the rule is
Keep, Change, Opposite.
Also known as K,C,O.
Once you rewrite it then use the addition rules to solve.
Addition Rules:
Adding same sign : Use same sign in your answer and add like normal.
Ex: 2 + 3 = 5 and -4 + -9 = -13
Adding Unlike or different signs: When signs are different you will subtract the two numbers and your answer will take the sign of the larger number.
Ex: 10 + -5 = 5 (note this is positive because 10 is larger) and -12 + 6 = -6
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