💯 Expectations Review C4U
- Due Jan 10, 2024 at 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Questions 10
- Time Limit None
- Allowed Attempts 2
Welcome Back!
Hope you all had a great break!
(Anybody want to share what they did over break?)
Let's review the expectations to help you get the most out of this class.
- Daily attendance helps you get the instructional guide to help clarify any misconceptions you may have.
- As you enter the classroom quietly, you will check out the board and see what supplies you will need for the day. Get what you need and place your backpack in the designated area. So again as you enter you voice LEVELs are at a 1, as this you are now in an environment where learning needs to take place.
- Once the bell rings, that is your cue to get to voice LEVEL 0 and complete any warm up that may be on the board, paper, or in Canvas.
- Follow the directions on the board if there are notes to begin copying neatly in your journal once you complete your warmup. If there are not, then use the time to get Imagine Math completed and/or complete Progress Learning.
- If there is a mini-lesson, then be prepared to actively listen and take notes. Jot down any questions you may have and ask them once the lesson is over or when prompted.
- Please use class time to ask questions. It is OK to have questions and it is expected. So please ask! It will help you.
- Then complete any check for understanding and or self assessment. Please self assessments are there for you to practice and ensure you have grasped the material we are learning.
- C4U's are to be done daily! That means if you do not complete it in class, it does become homework. If you fall behind, you run the risk of us moving on and you not being able to do the next day's work. Missing items will only be labeled as such if you were absent. If you do not do the work you will get a Zero (0).
- If you complete your work in class, then you will complete Imagine Math and Progress Learning Lessons! Your goal is to have all greens on the Progress Learning so work on any yellows and reds so that you can get the practice you need. This should keep you from needing to come to tutoring and help you be more successful on the work.
- Always have an open mind and a CAN DO mindset.
Remember that math is a journey and you will use what you learned prior to help you with the new material.
- If you have questions be sure you have reviewed notes and reviewed any videos. If you still have questions please let me know. By doing this, you will prepare yourself for problem solving as you progress in your educational career. Being resourceful is a great skill to help you learn anything you want and is used much more than just school.
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